Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A great day for democracy education

Yesterday I had the opportunity, along with the other candidates in the riding, to attend a debate/question and answer session for Parrsboro High School students. The students have hosted events such as this in previous elections and I am always happy to visit to discuss the issues.

Some may ask why would you go to a high school where the majority of students can't vote? The answer is simple. Young people need encouragement to get involved in the issues and vote when they are old enough to do so. Education is the best way to beat voter apathy.

The event was part of the mock election that the school, along with many others in the riding and the country, run as part of the Student Vote program. The program is open to students from elementary right through to highschool. If you are curious about the program click on the title of the post and it will take you to the program's website.

The students raised a number of issues but the ones that dominated their questions and comments were the environment and jobs in rural Canada. Many wanted to know how they could get jobs in the area when they are finished school since rural areas such as theirs have a high unemployment rate. Some of the students tied this economic development issue in with the environment and questioned whether Parrsboro would be well placed to bring in trades and industries that support a greener environment. Many questioned what kind of jobs they could see from projects such as Tidal power.

It was a great session and I really enjoyed the input of the students. If we don't listen to what they want to see in terms of economic development in rural areas, we won't be able to keep them working at home.

Prior to the event at the high school I met with the Parrsboro and Area Board of Trade for their luncheon where I was very well received.

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